Intimidating TBR

This is a tag in the bookish media that is going pretty popular these days. So I decided to give it a try myself, the questions are really interesting. 🙂 Lets get started…

18143977A book on your TBR pile that you haven’t finished

All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. I started it and read couple of hundred pages, loving every word of it. When my birthday happened and my mother took me to a bookstore for this huge book haul. I came home and was so excited to read those new books. I dived into them and this one get behind. I still want to read it, but I will have to reread some 4 hundred pages. I would happily do that, this book is that good. But with all the books I have, crunching out time gets a bit hard.




8490112A book you haven’t yet had time to read for

I have heard so many good things about this trilogy. A lot of booktubers whose opinions I respect rave about it. I have brought the whole trilogy for quite some time now, but still haven’t gotten around reading it yet.

The reason, of course time. 😦





25350996A book you haven’t read yet because it’s a sequel

Again a book that’s much raved about from a lot of peoples. Although it is sort of a standalone, but it’s build up on a previous book by Rainbow Rowell; Fangirl. It also has a lot of Harry Potter references which I guiltily admit I haven’t read yet. I have just watched the movies, like hundreds of times. But haven’t read.

So I am planning to read both the series and Fangirl first, than dive into this famed book. After all, to be a self-respected book blogger, I just had to read Harry Potter anyway. Might as well do it before it’s huge fan fic that’s being shown on the right.


24529123A book you haven’t read because it’s brand new

So much media hype is surrounding this book. And it’s premise is simply unique and awesome and making-you-want-it-this-very-second (is that even an expression?). I pre-ordered it.

But now that I have it, I have too many books in intimidating TBR that I still didn’t got the chance to read this one.






A book by author you’ve read previously but didn’t like

It was the toughest question in this tag. But I finally figured it out…


I know, a lot of people will get angry at me. But I just didn’t liked the first two parts of this series. They were hooking, but not amazing. But everyone says that it starts getting better from the third part, so I do want to read this part. But again, thanks to my lack of enthusiasm this book is getting left behind.

119322A book in your TBR pile that you are just not in the mood to read

I started it, loved it. Read until somewhere in the middle. But for some reason, it just lost the fire. Now I have it in my TBR, but just being lazy to continue.






402093A book in your TBR pile that you haven’t read because it’s enormous

It turned out I have a lot of those, but this one took the prize.

I wanted to read this book the second I heard about it. It has Imperial Japan, ninja, it is thriller, and written by James Clavell. What’s there to not read it?

1157 pages.

I know, I sound lazy. But I have just watched 11 seasons of Supernatural and am 11 books behind my GoodReads schedule. Once I finish that, I will definitely get back to it.


7094569A book in your TBR that you had brought just because of it’s cover

When I first saw it, I knew nothing about it. Until now, I only know it is a well known thriller written by a well known thriller writer. Nothing else.

But there was something about this cover, some feel of mysteriousness that made me itch to get this on my shelf. Digital shelf though, these days I am all on e-books :(. Anyway, back to topic.

But since than, I haven’t even touched it yet. And the problem with e-readers are, most of the books just get lost in the book jungle. Now I realize this happened to be one of those lost books.


55399A book on your TBR that you find the most intimidating

I heard first about the Malazan series from a friend. Who also told me that the first part is a little complicated (read awfully). I brought this, and realized the only complicated part has 800 pages, and the remaining of the series has around 1k pages each.

So yeah, I am intimidated.






Tell me: How many of these books have you read? What are your opinions?

I have inserted links to all of the books in their images. If interested, you can check it out 🙂

6 responses to “Intimidating TBR”

  1. Definitely loved Daughter of Smoke & Bone, the third book was what made it worth it for me. Also, I quite agree with you about Cassandra Clare’s books! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So I should pick it up next then. 🙂
      These days caught up with Victoria Schwab’s the Archive. Loving every word of it. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I LOVE Victoria Schwab!! I have read her other books, but not the Archive yet. I really want to read it though 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I loved second part more than even the first one. It has too much anime vibe 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve read a couple. The “His mortal instruments” series struck me as a vastly superior version of Twilight. I gave up midway through the fourth book. The Malazan series by Erikson rank as my favorite fantasy series. Good post.


    1. Thanks Long… 🙂
      You’re right about MI and I still haven’t started Malazan but planning to do it soon


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